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UZH Space Hub

Meet the UZH Space Hub R&D and Operations Team

The Space Hub does not stop, we just moved to digital! Are you wondering who is we? Then, let us introduce you the Research, Development and Operations Team, together in this picture taken during our last Skype meeting while working for you from home. With our various background, we support the UZH Space Hub community, take care of our events and distribute relevant information. Would you like to know more? Read below!

Research Development and Operations Team


  • Claudia Röösli, left upper corner, is specialist for Earth Observations. She is a Geomatics Engineer from training, got her PhD in seismology and glaciology, and now works as Group Leader for Earth Observation Applications and Services in the Remote Sensing Laboratories of GIUZ working on any kind of applications using satellite data. “For me, using satellite data for observing Earth’s processes is the most efficient tool available. I’m fascinated by the technology needed to generate the simple images we are using in our daily science and like to help people using these data for their own work.”
  • Svantje Tauber, on the right, is specialist for Life Science. She got her PhD at the University of Zurich and has more than 10 years of experience working on gravitational biology experiments on parabolic flights, sounding rockets and the international space station. “I find it fascinating how people from different fields can work together and come up with new ideas and projects which they could not have realized alone. Therefore, I am excited to work for the UZH Space Hub and support fruitful interdisciplinary collaborations.
  • Valentina Tamburello, left bottom corner, specialist for Astrophysics. She got her PhD at the University of Zurich working on galaxy formation and evolution. Alumna of the International Space University and with a master in science communication, she also works for the NPOC for satellite images at the Remote Sensing Laboratories as scientific consultant. “I've been passionate about Space since I first visited the planetarium in Milan when I was 8: there I understood Space would have been my future and, despite not being an astronaut (yet), here I am, and it's amazing to see how Space daily fosters international collaborations!

UZH Space Hub
