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UZH Space Hub

How to Sell a PhD in Industry

Space Café poster

One of the aims of the Space Café is to build a bridge between academia and industry. However, a transition from academia to industry raises many questions, hurdles and fears. What can you offer the private sector as a scientist? Which skills from academia can you sell in the industry? Vicent Botella-Soler has already made this transition and now has his own consulting company to help and guide scientists in this quest. In the next Space Café seminar, Vicent will answer these questions, demystify such a transition and show us how we can enter the market as scientists.

Join us for the  Space Café event, on November 27, 2023, at 14:00. This event will take place in a hybrid mode, on-site (Irchel campus room Y10-E-36) and online

More about Space Café event series.


Vicent Botella-Soler


Vicent Botella-Soler has been a PhD student (physics), a Postdoc (neuroscience), a machine learning consultant for startups, a R&D manager for a tech company. With extensive international experience in both academia and industry, he now works as a freelance consultant and author, helping academics and industry professionals snap out of cognitive traps and long-held beliefs hindering their development. He specializes in critical thinking and decision-making for individuals and teams.

Talk Abstract :

Eventually, many academics face this possibility: leaving, quitting academia. The uncertainty of our prospects in the outside world tends to fuel fears and doubt. What can I do? Which of my skills can I transfer to an industry job? Who could/would employ me? In this talk we introduce some helpful strategies in transitioning away from academia. We will look at our skills in a wider sense and will try to dispel some common misconceptions.

Among other things, we will discuss:

  • Understanding your leverage, zooming out on your skills.
  • Dealing with academic stereotypes.
  • The primacy of soft over hard skills: communication and empathy.
  • Initiative: finding the right balance.
  • Incentives and constraints: academia vs industry.
  • Fishing for uncertainty.


Do you want to attend? Great!

Registration is free, but mandatory. We will send you the Zoom link the day before the event. See you there!

Registration is closed after the event