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Our UZH Space Hub member, Davide Scaramuzza is a Professor of Robotics and Perception at both departments of Informatics (University of Zurich) and Neuroinformatics (joint between the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich), where he directs the Robotics and Perception Group. He recently conducted flight experiments in the Dübendorf airfield.
Prof. Davide Scaramuzza and his Robotics and Perception team developed drones able to navigate autonomously, meaning without GPS or other external infrastructure. These machines can be used in the future to rescue people after natural or human-made disasters, to deliver packages or to inspect large outside objects. Hangar 9 in the Dübendorf airfield offers an excellent place for his research for two reasons: First, it is close to the Innovation Park Zurich which hosts many start-ups and student projects, being therefore a perfect ground for collaboration and innovation. Second, it offers a flying space of unique dimension, as required for the safe conduction of autonomous flight experiments. Watch the video to learn more!