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UZH Space Hub

Two new space spin-offs from UZH join ESA BIC!

Congratulations, the two new UZH spin-offs askEarth and Prometheus Life Technologies, both rooting in the UZH Space Hub environment, join ESA BIC Switzerland, the Swiss Space Incubator!  


The ESA Business Incubation Center Switzerland boosts Swiss high-tech start-ups with a space connection and provides technical, business, and financial support in addition to networking and community-building possibilities.  

With askEarth and Prometheus Life Technologies, two spin-offs have been founded lately at UZH that work with innovative technologies in space, providing services for earth. This emphasizes the rising importance of applications in the aviation- and space sector. Such applications cover a broad spectrum of topics, reaching from digital technology over environmental protection to space life sciences and more, all generating benefit for economy and society. 

 askEarth is making Earth observation insights available to the public. Simon Gruening, whose work is supported by a UZH Entrepreneur Fellowship, is working in the Remote Sensing Laboratories of the Department of Geography of the UZH to access satellite data via natural language processing. He is taking the role of CTO at askEarth.  

Prometheus Life Technologies works on the large-scale production of high-quality human tissue in microgravity to improve drug development and testing and regenerative medicine. The idea for this innovative and visionary project came from the UZH Space Hub members Oliver Ullrich and Cora Thiel, which resulted in a joint venture between the University of Zurich and Airbus Defence and Space, during which the production process was tested and validated twice on board of the International Space Station (ISS). Prometheus is located at the Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich.

We wish all the best for the ambitious goals of these young companies!  

