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On November 7, the roadshow event “Be a Star in ESA’s Universe” stopped by at the UZH and the UZH Space Hub hosted an interactive evening about careers either at ESA or in space academia, industry or research and innovation. Here is a roundup for you to become a star yourself!
The event was organized in cooperation with the Swiss Space Center (SSC) and ESA to promote the exchange between academia, industry and research and innovation. Oliver Kirchhoff from the SSC was chairing the event and the invited presenters were Cora Thiel (UZH Space Hub, Coordinator Space Life), Kamlesh Brocard (Scientific advisor at Swiss Space Office, SSO), Svein Lokas (System engineering at ESA) Noémy Schneidegger (Senior System Engineer at RUAG Space) and Daniel Odermatt (Scientist at EAWAG). The concluding panel discussion was additionally composed of Elisabetta Rugi Grond (CEO at Thales Alenia Space Switzerland), Edoardo Alberti (Senior System Engineer & Co-founder at Micos) and Felix Dannert (System Engineer & Board member at ARIS). The speakers presented their professional development telling their individual career stories in the space domain. Learning how they got into their positions was very interesting and inspiring. Each one of them gave helpful, encouraging and personal tips for students and graduates aiming at a job in aerospace industry and research facilities. However, one tip was common to all: Do what you love and be determined about it!
Helpful links to become a star:
For young graduates and professionals:
Speakers and attendees of the event intermingling and discussing during the apéro after the presentations
Cora Thiel from UZH talking about the UZH Space Hub
Speakers and attendees of the event intermingling and discussing during the apéro after the presentations
UZH Space Hub