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ARIS was initiated and is led by students from ETH Zürich, HSLU and ZHAW. ARIS builds sounding rockets to win the Spaceport America Cup in the highest category by 2024. Together with partners from industry and academia, the required knowledge is aggregated. On the way there, future engineers and leaders are educated in hands-on project work. The ultimate goal: to fly a student demonstrator in Low Earth Orbit by 2029!
This year, the student initiative ARIS will once again design, develop and test their own sounding rocket for the Spaceport America Cup and is looking for talented and motivated students to join the
UZH Students are also welcome to do their bachelor or master thesis at ARIS. There is a pool of predefined topics, but own ideas are also welcome. As a UZH student, you have to find a UZH professor who is willing to supervise, then you can approach Andrea Schorn at ARIS.
Besides the development of the rocket itself, it is also possible to build and fly hardware on the ARIS rockets. This might be for instance experiments in the areas of biology or medicine which could be done in the frame of a thesis. Find a UZH professor who is willing to supervise and contact Andrea Schorn at ARIS.